«Asuria Awakens», by @TinManGames
"Asuria Awakens" is the last offering in the Gamebook Adventure series by Tin Man Games. Written by the well known gamebook blogger Stuart Lloyd and beautifully illustrated by Tony Hough,…
"Asuria Awakens" is the last offering in the Gamebook Adventure series by Tin Man Games. Written by the well known gamebook blogger Stuart Lloyd and beautifully illustrated by Tony Hough,…
«Lords of Nurroth», by the Australian publisher Tin Man Games, written by Dylan Birtolo and wonderfully illustrated by Simon Lissaman, is the latest offering in their «Gamebook Adventures» series, set…
"The sons of Uruzimé" es un librojuego de terror inspirado en los mitos de H.P.Lovecraft, en el que interpretamos a un profesor en la Universidad de Miskatonic, que comienza a…
."The sons of Uruzimé" is a gamebook inspired by H.P.Lovecraft's myths, where we take the role of a teacher of the University of Miskatonic, investigating the whereabouts of one of his students…