“Hero: The Calling!”, a collection of short gamebooks
In this post I am going to do something quite different. Borislav Traykov, a member of the Bulgarian gamebook community (and member of the Gamebooks group in Facebook as well),…
In this post I am going to do something quite different. Borislav Traykov, a member of the Bulgarian gamebook community (and member of the Gamebooks group in Facebook as well),…
Hyper Rift, a game by the small developer CKS Studio, is an interesting mix between a graphic adventure and a gamebook. In this story, we wake up with no memory…
En "Lifeline", de 3 Minute Games, recibimos una misteriosa transmisión de un astronauta en apuros. En el juego, nuestro objetivo será guiarle de manera adecuada para asegurar su supervivencia en…
In "Lifeline", by 3 Minute Games, we receive a mysterious transmission from an astronaut in distress. In this game, our objective will be to guide him appropiately in order to…
Verdigris Tales, a game by Joao Geada and Andy Kirschbaum, leads us to the city of Railhead, in a steampunk world where magic and science get together, much in the…
En alguna ocasión anterior hablé de los distintos tipos de ficción interactiva existentes (librojuegos, novelas visuales o ficción en hipertexto entre otros) y las distintas expectativas temáticas de sus lectores,…