«Kingdom of Loathing, The Home Game» by @asym
The Kingdom of Loathing, a browser-based multiplayer role-playing game, famous for its drawings of stick figures and its surreal humor and parody of the role-playing game tropes, has been online…
The Kingdom of Loathing, a browser-based multiplayer role-playing game, famous for its drawings of stick figures and its surreal humor and parody of the role-playing game tropes, has been online…
El Windhammer Prize for Short Gamebook Fiction, es un concurso anual convocado por Wayne Densley, autor de "Chronicles of Arborell", una serie de librojuegos, historias, juegos de mesa, etc. ambientados…
Windhammer Prize for Short Gamebook Fiction is a yearly competition announced by Wayne Densley, author of "Chronicles of Arborell", a series of gamebooks, stories, board games, etc. set in the…
Porpentine is a video game designer and writer, better known as a developer of hypertext games made with Twine. In her website, she describes herself as "a fem organism in oakland…
"Asuria Awakens" is the last offering in the Gamebook Adventure series by Tin Man Games. Written by the well known gamebook blogger Stuart Lloyd and beautifully illustrated by Tony Hough,…
As many of you may know, Librojuegos.org is not only a gamebook blog. It is also the central hub of a spanish gamebook association called Dédalo. These days, we have…