As many of you may know, is not only a gamebook blog. It is also the central hub of a spanish gamebook association called Dédalo.
These days, we have been frantically working on the first meeting ever for professionals and lovers of gamebooks in Spain, the first (and hopefully not last) Dédalo Meetup.
It will take place in the Generación X shop in Puebla (Madrid), and yours truly will give one of the speeches. If any of you guys happen to be in Madrid this weekend, and want to have a taste of what’s being done in Spain for all things Interactive Fiction, now’s a good opportunity!
This is a very important moment in our association, and it culminates the work of several years of many people. Now it’s the time to enjoy the fruits of that work, to get to know each other, and above all, to have fun with interactive literature!
The timetable for the meeting is full of interesting subjects, just take a look:
10:00 to 10:10 Presentation: Jacobo Feijóo
10:10 to 10:40 Fernando Lafuente: and Dédalo: Genesis of a dream
10:40 to 11:10 Juan Pablo Fernández del Río: Microdédalos
11:10 to 11:40 Santiago Eximeno: “Twine: minimalist and experimental interactive fiction”11:40 COFFEE 12:00
12:00 to 12:30 Iván Sánchez (Nosolorol Editions) : From the fingers between the pages to the screen
12:30 to 13:00 Pablo Martínez (Lavyr Interactive): Gamebooks as educational and social awareness tools
13:00 to 13:30 Gaia Tempesta and José Lomo: From CYOA to erotic gamebooks (video)13:30 LUNCH 15:00
15:00 to 15:30 Pedro Belushi (Saco de Huesos): Illustrating gamebooks.
15:30 to 16:00 José Luis Pastor (Editorial Suseya): Noir novel vs noir gamebook
16:00 to 16:30 Víctor Lopez, Pablo Arroyo and José Valverde (Calipso Studios): Interactive reading in Apps: Unexplored ground (video)16:30 COFFEE 16:50
16:10 to 16:40 Alberto Oliván: Narrative design in graphic adventures
16:40 to 17:10 Ruber Eaglenest (Lavyr Interactive): From gamebooks to digital apps. Designing Interactive Fiction on the 21st century
17:10 to 17:50 Josué Monchán: How to kill the writer, or the videoplay double narrative
17:50 to 18:00 Jacobo Feijóo: Closure